• Sep. 23, 2024
  • Corporate communications and positioning, Media strategies and relations
  • Column
  • Written by: Nancy Bouffard

Running a Marathon Demands Preparation, and So Does Public Speaking!

Would you take your place at the start of a marathon without having trained to run it? Never in my life, you would say... Too risky. Public speaking is the same thing. Even if you know your subject inside and out, you have to be a bit of a daredevil to present yourself in front of an audience without preparation. Even the best speakers, yes even those who seem to have all the assets to captivate their audience, prepare meticulously.

In an increasingly connected world, where information travels at lightning speed, every word spoken in public, every speech, every presentation, every intervention, becomes an occasion to leave a lasting impression. And you must seize these opportunities to stand out from the crowd, every time.

Why seek guidance

Public speaking is more than a simple communications exercise: it’s a real strategy. Structuring your speech well, choosing the right words, and knowing how to capture attention all take time and expertise. A good professional knows the techniques that work, from the catchy introduction to the striking conclusion. The only risk you run in calling on an expert is that your message will be clearer, more convincing, and better adapted to your audience. It’s a good risk, no?

Find the right words and the right tone

A speech is not just words on a page. It is also a reflection of your personality. Because we know that the audience retains the tone, body language, attitude and content, in that order. One of the undeniable skills of specialized writers is knowing how to transform complex ideas into clear and impactful messages, aligned with a communications strategy. But the best writers will know how to go beyond words by infusing your speech with both a bit of who you are and what drives you. In addition to greatly facilitating your preparation, this skill will facilitate the connection with your audience, because you will literally become one with the content.

Preparation : a necessity more than a luxury

Marathon runners will tell you, it's essential to put some miles on your running shoes before getting started. In the case of a public speaking event, replace the running shoes with a mirror, your loved ones, or your colleagues and rehearse your speech. Do you feel ready? Rehearse again!

Speech preparation, speech writing and strategic content services are no longer a luxury reserved for leaders or public figures. They are a necessity for anyone who wants to be heard, stand out, and positively influence their audience.

A powerful and well-understood message contributes to the success of your organization. Be memorable and convincing!

At Exponentiel, we support all types of spokespersons, both in writing and delivering a speech. Invest the time. Trust us. Reaching the finish line will be much easier, you will avoid missteps and you will want to do it again, we promise!